Fraudulent activity
Last update : 2004-02-16 16:31:17
Any account found to be used for fradulent activity will be deleted and any credits in the account will be forfeited.
New sites must adhere to the following rules
Last update : 2004-01-17 11:17:20
All new sites added must adhere to the following terms before confirmed.
- maximum 1 popup (include popups, exit ads and popins)
- cannot breakframes/surfbar
- must be in English
- cannot contain any illegal material including adult content, drugs, firearms, warez, or any other questionable material
- does not have make homepage/add favorite prompts
- does not attempt to download/install any programs to the enduser
- does not contain harmful scripts
- does not contain viruses/trojans or any other harmful agent
- does not imitate/disguise itself as a page of webmasterquest or mis-lead users in anyway.
- do not open any program on the users machine
- do not decive the users with false advertising
- do not try to trick users into giving personal info e.g name, email, passwords etc.
- do not advertise ways to cheat hitexchanges, or other sites, including harvesting credits
Any sites deleted by us will NOT have the credits returned
to their accounts.
If in doubt contact us before adding the site, makes it a lot easier for you and us.
Active email address
Last update : 2004-01-17 11:17:14
All members must keep their email address current. If we get a bounced email when sending you emails your account will be deleted.
Also remember to keep your email address active. If you no longer have access to it, you will not be able to request your password.
One account only!
Last update : 2003-11-06 23:15:44
Users are only allowed to keep one account. Users that have more than one account will see all their accounts beeing deleted.
Refunds Policy
Last update : 2003-11-06 23:15:44
We shall offer full refunds for all unused services and sales, where members have used a significant proportion of their order a proportional refund maybe offered instead.
Keep frames
Last update : 2003-06-18 11:08:27
The site can not break out of the frames used when surfing with TradeVisits. This is very annoying for the users of the site. This will get your account deleted.
Popup windows
Last update : 2003-06-18 11:08:07
Your site can have a maximum of one popup window because they are annoying for users of the service. Note sites also cannot generate additional popups once a popup is closed. Again a MAXIMUM ONE POPUP per site. Preferably don't have any popup windows on your site at all. That makes your visitors more happy. Note often people will leave a site just by seeing a popup window.
The one popup include any popups on the site, popups, popins and exit ads. And new window opened without the user clicking anything is a popup. Even if opened in the same browser window.
Selling credits not allowed!
Last update : 2003-06-18 00:00:00
You are not allowed to sell WebmasterQuest credits to other users.
Selling credits for cash is not allowed and if you are found to do so your account will be deleted.
Keeping your account active!
Last update : 2003-06-18 00:00:00
If your account have been inactive for more then 6 months, it will be reset. All credits and sites in the account will be removed. You will still be able to log in later on, but no stats will be available.
Must use the startpage yourself!
Last update : 2001-12-27 00:00:00
Our startpage cannot be used with any page rotators and must only be used by the owner of the page. If you try to make others use your page your account will be deleted.
English site only!
Last update : 2001-07-08 00:00:00
We will only accept sites written in the english language. This is because many members have demanded it. And to have more people understand what it on the sites thay visit.
Illegal contents
Last update : 2001-05-06 00:00:00
Your site can not have content that might be offensive for other people. This includes porn, warez, illegal copied software, etc. Common sense is to not have any illegal stuff on your site. The site must be PG13 allowed content, that means content that children can see.
Future changes
Last update : 2001-05-06 00:00:00
You also agree to any changes to the terms of agreement in the future. If you don't accept the new terms of agreement you are free to terminate your account at WebmasterQuest at any time. reserves the right to terminate any account with the at any time, with or without cause.
A little comment
Last update : 2001-05-06 00:00:00
Just use common sense and ordinary courtesy and your site should be ok.