Whenever I join a program, I make note of the traffic exchange where I saw the ad and signed up from. Then, when my new sponsor emails me a welcome message, I email back with the name of the exchange. It seems like most of the time I'm telling them "I saw your site on WebmasterQuest".
WebmasterQuest Has Produced The Best Results!
Fact is I have paid for advertising on 3 other high profile Traffic Exchanges, and WebmasterQuest has produced better results than the 3 Combined! 9 Paid Memberships to My Site and 2 Of these members produced 11 more paid members!
The Numbers Say It All A 1.7% Banner Clickthru
And A Staggering 2.79% Hot Link Clickthru.
Thank You,
Ron Hickey
WQ No1 Traffic-Exchange ever!
No other traffic-exchange offer's you so many different features and way's to promote. The best part is "people actualy gives response to your effort" leads, leads, and lead's, thats what it all about...
In anticipation of the Residual Club launch, my Webmasterquest Premium Membership permitted me to load up on page views and banner impressions--it had a huge impact: I became a Top 20 recruiter out of 8000+ members.