I think that Webmasterquest is a great site. Always keeping members updated as to what is going on with the site. I have liked the site from day one. E-mail responses have been excellent. I picked up $5.00 for being on the site. Webmasterquest to me is a top of the line site.
We get WEEKLY sales from our advertising on WebmasterQuest!! Thanks and Keep up the Good Work!
Webmasterquest is great, I don't know what i would do
without it!
My first stop when promoting a new site or program is WebmasterQuest. This is the *only* traffic exchange I use and the reason I choose Webmaster Quest is simple - there is QUALITY traffic to be had here! You are an invaluable tool in this webmasters arsenal - keep up the good work!
Name : Amber Porter
Whenever I join a program, I make note of the traffic exchange where I saw the ad and signed up from. Then, when my new sponsor emails me a welcome message, I email back with the name of the exchange. It seems like most of the time I'm telling them "I saw your site on WebmasterQuest".