Only been using for a short time, and it's my favorite program to use to get REAL people viewing my online store! The best part is, people are buying from my store, or signing up as my referrals! When I check where my customers saw my store, they say "Webmasterquest"! its the best free traffic site on the internet!!
Name : Scott Bernard
Fall River,Massachusetts
Bernie's Bargain Outlet
With the quality of hits and the outstanding customer service Webmasterquest has raised the bar for all other traffic providers.
Whenever I join a program, I make note of the traffic exchange where I saw the ad and signed up from. Then, when my new sponsor emails me a welcome message, I email back with the name of the exchange. It seems like most of the time I'm telling them "I saw your site on WebmasterQuest".
I love this program! It has everything I need to promote my business and it's well within my budget - FREE. I've been using it for about 2 months and have 3 signups and have promoted other businesses as well. The banner impressions is my favorite feature because I get the most response and makes it worth every penny I paid to have my webmaster design it. The Hot Links feature is good too for promoting my friends' businesses. Excellent job WQ team!!
I have to say that WebmasterQuest offers the safest surfing available for their members. There's less worry about viruses, objectionable sites and framebreakers. Plus, I love the scratch cards. :o)