I have to say that WebmasterQuest offers the safest surfing available for their members. There's less worry about viruses, objectionable sites and framebreakers. Plus, I love the scratch cards. :o)
Shelly Leroux, Waterloo, Indiana, USA
In anticipation of the Residual Club launch, my Webmasterquest Premium Membership permitted me to load up on page views and banner impressions--it had a huge impact: I became a Top 20 recruiter out of 8000+ members.
Thanks, Thomas and Jeff!
Derek "Rhino" Reinhard
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
I really like the "e-mail" ads and the hot links. These help to target the visitors that equals a better chance of making a sale.
Winning hits playing the scratch cards is fun and a change of pace from the other surf exchanges.
I love webmasterquest because they help me to get the much needed traffic to my site. I have recieved many signups as a result of using webmasterquest and I absolutely love their anti cheat measures. Their 1:1 ratio can't be beat(at many traffic exchanges you have to pay to get a 1:1 ratio) and when I surf webmasterquest I almost always win extra credits. When it comes to getting traffic to your site, webmasterquest can't be beat.
Client By Design has used traffic generated from WebmasterQuest to sell many products and services. The value of WebmasterQuest comes from its many Ad delivery options. We are able to experiment and tailor marketing campaigns with a mixture of banners, text ads and other methods to deliver visitors to our site. Compared to other traffic generating programs that make exaggerated claims, WebmasterQuest truly delivers ROI (Return On Investment). Richard Bailey (Marketing Solutions Consultant) -